Numerical Modeling Research and Soil-Structure                                  Interaction Instrument Research Laboratory                           University Mohamed Khider Biskra

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Team Leader : B E L O U N A R   L a mine
Team 3 : Development of finite  elements  and modeling  of complex structures 
•   Elastoplastic behavior Analysis by deformation field elements •  Isoparametrique Formulation in deformation approach • Development of new finite element based on the deformation approach • Modeling structures used in the field of art structures • Use of dynamic strain field elements • Development of art structures calculation softwares.
full name   last degree   Grade   specialty   Affiliation  organization   BELOUNAR Lamine   Doctorat e  Prof.   civil engineering     University of Biskra   MESSAI Abderraouf   Magister   AP (A)   Structure   University of Sétif   GUERRAICHE Khelifa   Magister   AP(A)   Structure   academic center Jelfa   REBIAI Cherif   Magister   AP(A)   Structure   National High School            of Technology
BOUZIDI Lemouchi
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